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    which colour do you like best,why?

    11cuishasha 2010-04-15 12:16
  • 举报 #1
    化机 2010-05-08 10:44

    Green. Because it's the color of nature and it means a living life.
  • 举报 #2
    星期一 2010-05-12 10:15
    blue, I just like it without reason.
  • 举报 #3
    ldq256 2010-05-14 17:41
    PINK i  just like it without reason
  • 举报 #4
    chp1 2010-05-29 16:43
    red.because it signify happy and prosperous previous,but my daughter like pink,I be assimilationed now.
  • 举报 #5
    ChrisLue 2010-05-30 18:50
    sky blue.....I love the sky color, because i think it's pure~~
  • 举报 #6
    xuewei0.9 2010-06-03 10:51
    it all depends, there are several colors that i like very much, but i will like different colored when they ocurr in different situation, for example, some cheery- red color is beatiful and when it is used into  a close and that close fits me perfectly, so i like that cherry red very much. A little unwise, but this opinion really effect my feeling about color.
  • 举报 #7
    风语 2010-06-08 15:14
    yes,  I agree the idea that it depends on many element  Whatever it is subjective or objective reason .For example ,about  the colour of clothes,I think every colour all stands for a feeling or an occasion .
  • 举报 #10
    christinar2010 2010-06-26 10:25
    blue is sorrow, red is warm, black is misery, green is life,
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